Medical Textiles of Self-Inflating On Air Mattress Bed and Belt for Nursing Physical Therapy Education and Training Performing a Healing Process

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Elsayed A Elnashar*
Michal Frydrysiak


Medical textiles of a self-inflating air mattress bed and belt include an air chamber and a foam panel therein. The air chamber is defined by top and bottom sheet panels and a valve allowing air passage into and out of the air chamber. The foam panel includes the field of airflow passage there through, and the top and bottom sheet panels are mechanically coupled directly together via the apertures in the foam panel of the air mattress conducted to improve sleep quality. This study investigated the effect of variations in the surface characteristics of mattress beds and belts on pelvic fracture patients’ sleep quality. The present study developed a mattress bed and belt whose rigidity can be varied by controlling the amount of air in its air cells. To investigate the effect of the variable rigidity of the air mattress bed and belt on pelvic fracture patients’ sleep quality, participants (women, ages 13-45) were instructed to sleep on the air mattress bed and belt under different conditions, and their sleep quality was subjectively and objectively investigated. Subjectively, sleep quality is assessed based on the participants’ evaluations of the depth and length of their sleep. Objectively, medical textiles for pelvic fracture patients and mattress bed and belt specifications are estimated using the sleep stage information obtained by analyzing the movements and brain waves of the participants during their sleep. A subjective assessment of the sleep quality demonstrates that the participants’ sleep was worse with the adjustment of the air mattress bed and belt.


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Article Details

Elnashar, E. A., & Frydrysiak, M. (2025). Medical Textiles of Self-Inflating On Air Mattress Bed and Belt for Nursing Physical Therapy Education and Training Performing a Healing Process. Global Journal of Medical and Clinical Case Reports, 11(4), 021–029. (Original work published November 5, 2024)
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