Penetrating pharynx wound reaching mediastinum. Which is the proper surgical approach?

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Rivero Fernández I*
Montojo Woodeson J
Sanz Rodríguez M
García Fernández A
Gavilanes-Plasencia J


We report the case of a knife penetrating wound from the hypopharynx-cervical esophagus area to the posterior mediastinum in a 91-year-old patient. The surgical approach for this patient required a transoral examination with direct laryngoscopy and a right cervicotomy. Although it was not necessary to perform a thoracotomy, the position of the knife, stuck towards the posterior mediastinum, made the presence of an interdisciplinary team in the operating room necessary.


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Article Details

Fernández I, R., J, M. W., M, S. R., A, G. F., & J, G.-P. (2021). Penetrating pharynx wound reaching mediastinum. Which is the proper surgical approach?. Global Journal of Medical and Clinical Case Reports, 8(2), 050–052.
Case Reports

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