
Osmar Antonio Centurion

Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, Asuncion National University, Paraguay


Professor Osmar Antonio Centurion, is a cardiologist with expertise in Coronary Heart Diseases and Arrhythmias, Hemodynamics and Electrophysiology and Arrhythmia Ablation. He is Professor of Medicine at the School of Medical Sciencesfromthe Asuncion National University inAsunción, Paraguay.He received isPhDdegreein Cardiology,at the Nagasaki University School of Medicine, Nagasaki, Japanin 1994.He is the Founding MemberofSociedad Latinoamericana de Cardiología Intervencionista(SOLACI).Author of more than100 medicalarticles published in peer-reviewed American, European and Japanese journals in cardiology.His biography is published in""Who is Who in the World"", ""Who is Who in Science and Engineering"", ""Man of Achievement"", ""Who is who in Medicine and Healthcare"". He is a Fellow of the American College of Cardiology, European Society of Cardiology, American Society of Angiology, and member of other 10 International Cardiovascular Societies. He is currently Chiefof theDepartment of Cardiology, Hospital de Clinicas,Asunción, Paraguay.In addition, He is the Chief of the Department of Investigation at the National Heart Institute, Asuncion, Paraguay.He is currently Memberof the Editorial Boardof thefollowing cardiovascular international journals: Revista de la Sociedad Latinoamericana de Cardiología intervencionista(SOLACI),Angiology, Revista Latinoamericana de Electrocardiología,JAFIB, Journal of Atrial Fibrillation, The Open Cardiovascular Medicine Journal, Research in Cardiovascular Medicine,The Open Atherosclerosis and Thrombosis Journal, World Journal on Cardiovascular Disease, International Journal of Clinical Medicine Research, International Journal of Clinical Reviews and Opinion,World Journal of Medical Sciences and Medicine, International Open Journal of Clinical Practice, International Journal ofInternal Medicine Research, International Journal of Medical Practice and Reviews Research, Hematology and Leukemia, Cardiology and Angiology International Journal, Current Drug Metabolism, Journal of Pharmaceutical Technology & Drug Research, International Journal of Medical Sciences and Biotechnology, Journal of Bioequivalence & Bioavailability, and Past-Editor-In-Chief of theRevista de la Sociedad Paraguaya de Cardiología.

Research Interest: Cardiology. Hemodynamics. Electrophysiology and Arrhythmia Ablation

Number of Publications: 200

ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6903-6250

List of Publications:

  1. Centurión OA, Fukatani M, Konoe A, Tanigawa M, Shimizu A, Isomoto S, Kadena M, Hashiba K: Electrophysiological abnormalities of the atrial muscle in patients with sinus node dysfunction without tachyarritmias. Inter J of Cardiol 1992; 37:41-50.
  2. Centurión OA, Fukatani M, Konoe A, Tanigawa M, Shimizu A, Isomoto S, Kaibara M, Hashiba K: Different distribution of abnormal endocardial electrograms within the right atrium in patients with sick sinus syndrome. Br Heart J 1992; 68:596-600.
  3. Konoe A, Shimizu A, Isomoto S, Centurión OA, Fukatani M: Combined oral administration of dysopiramide and propranol in high risk patients with wolffParkinson-White syndrome. Progress in Medicine 1991; 11:237-240.
  4. Isomoto S, Fukatani M, Tanigawa M, Konoe A, Centurión OA, Hashimoto T, Kadena M, Shimizu A, Hashiba K: The influence of advancing age on abnormal right atrial electrograms obtained by intraatrial catheter mapping during sinus rhythm in patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. Jpn J Electrocardiol 1992; 12:216-223.
  5. Isomoto S, Fukatani M, Konoe A, Tanigawa M, Centurión OA, Seto S, Hashimoto T, Kadena M, Shimizu A, Hashiba K: The influence of advancing age on the electrophysiological changes of the atrial muscle induced by programmed atrial stimulation. Jpn Circulation J 1992; 56:776782.
  6. Shimizu A, Fukatani M, Centurión OA, Konoe A, Isomoto S, Kaibara M, Yano K: Double response of the ventricle during transient entrainment in a common atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia. PACE 1993; 16:39-45.
  7. Centurión OA, Fukatani M, Shimizu A, Konoe A, Isomoto S, Tanigawa M, Kaibara M, Yano K: Anterograde and retrograde decremental conduction over left-sided accessory atrioventricular pathways in the Wolff-ParkinsonWhite syndrome. Am Heart J 1993; 125:1038-1047.
  8. Shimizu A, Fukatani M, Konoe A, Isomoto S, Centurión OA, Yano K: Electrophysiological effects of a new class III antiarrhythmic agent (E-4031) on the conduction and refractoriness in the in vivo human atrium. Cardiovasc Res 1993; 27:1333-1338.
  9. Centurión OA, Isomoto S, Fukatani M, Shimizu A, Hirata T, Hano O, Konoe A, Tanigawa M, Kaibara M, Sakamoto R, Yano K: Relationship between atrial conduction defects and fractionated atrial endocardial electrograms in patients with sick sinus syndrome. PACE 1993; 16:2022-2033.
  10. Shimizu A, Kaibara M, Centurión OA, Kapuku G, Hirata T, Fukatani M, Yano K: Electrophysiological effects of a new class III antiarrhythmic agent, E-4031, on the atrial flutter, atrial refractoriness, and conduction delay in a canine sterile pericarditis model. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol 1993; 21:656-662.
  11. Isomoto S, Shimizu A, Konoe A, Kaibara M, Centurión OA, Fukatani M, Yano K: Electrophysiologic effects of E-4031, a new class III antiarrhythmic agent in patients with supraventricular tachyarrhythmias. Am J Cardiol 1993; 71:1464-1467.
  12. Shimizu A, Fukatani M, Konoe A, Isomoto S, Kaibara M, Sakamoto R, Tanigawa M, Centurión OA, Yano K: Electrophysiological properties of the atrial muscle in patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (idiopathic, and associated with Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome and sick sinus syndrome). Heart 1993; 25:398-405.
  13. Centurión OA, Isomoto S, Shimizu A, Konoe A, Hirata T, Kaibara M, Hano O, Yano K: Supernormal atrial conduction and its relation to atrial vulnerability and atrial fibrillation in patients with sick sinus syndrome and paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. Am Heart J 1994; 128:88-95.
  14. Centurión OA, Isomoto S, Hayano M, Yano K: Evidence of quadruple anterograde AV nodal pathways in a patient with atrioventricular node reentry. J electrocardiol 1994; 27:71-78.
  15. Shimizu A, Konoe A, Tanigawa M, Isomoto S, Fukatani M, Centurión OA, Yano K, Hashiba K: Electrophysiologic characteristics of repetitive atrial firing: Atrial extrastimulus at four sites. Jpn J of Cardiac Pacing Electrophysiology 1993; 9:126-131.
  16. Isomoto S, Shimizu A, Konoe A, Tanigawa M, Kaibara M, Centurión OA, Fukatani M, Yano K: Effects of intravenous verapamil on atrial vulnerability. Jpn Circulation J 1994; 58:1-8.
  17. Centurión OA, Shimizu A, Isomoto S, Hano O, Hirata T, Konoe A, Kaibara M, Yano K: Incidence and electrophysiological characteristics of the supernormal atrial conduction in man. J electrocardiol 1994; 27:61-69.
  18. Shimizu A, Fukatani M, Konoe A, Centurión OA, Isomoto S, Kadena M, Kaibara M, Yano K: Double ventricular response revealed by entrainment of AV nodal reentrant tachycardia. Clin Cardiac Electrophysiol 1993; 16:37-48.
  19. Centurión OA, Shimizu A, Isomoto S, Konoe A, Hirata T, Kaibara M, Yano K: Repetitive atrial firing and fragmented atrial activity elicited by extrastimuli in the sick sinus syndrome with and without abnormal atrial electrograms. Am J Med Sciences 1994; 307(4):247-254.
  20. Centurión OA, Isomoto S, Konoe A, Shimizu A, Hayano M, Yano K: Electrophysiologic demonstration of anterograde fast and slow pathways within the His bundle in patients with normal intraventricular conduction. Inter J Cardiol 1994; 44:251-260.
  21. Shimizu A, Fukatani M, Tanigawa M, Kaibara M, Konoe A, Isomoto S, Centurión OA, Yano K, Hashiba K: Mechanism of the suppression of repetitive atrial firing by isoproterenol- Comparison with Disopyramide. Inter J Cardiol 1994; 43:175-183.
  22. Centurión OA, Konoe A, Isomoto S, Hayano M, Yano K: Possible role of Supernormal atrial conduction in the genesis of atrial fibrillation in patients with idiopathic paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. CHEST 1994; 106:842-847.
  23. Yano K, Centurión OA, Isomoto S, Konoe A, Shimizu A, Sakamoto R, Hano O, Kaibara M, Hirata T, Hayano M: Atrial vulnerability in patients with sick sinus syndrome. Journal of the Vth Asian-Pacific Symposium on Cardiac Pacing and Electrophysiology 1993; 270-273.
  24. Isomoto S, Konoe A, Kaibara M, Centurión OA, Hayano M, Hano O, Hirata T, Yano K: Clinical electrophysiologic effects of MS-551 in patients with supraventricular tachycardias. PACE 1995;18:2022-2027.
  25. Kaibara M, Konoe A, Isomoto S, Centurión OA, Hirata T, Hano O, Sakamoto R, Iwamoto K, Liu Z, Hayano M, Yano K: Radiofrequency catheter ablation for atrioventricular node reentry tachycardia with multiple slow atrioventricular node pathways. Jpn Circ J 1995;59:224-230.
  26. Hano O, Konoe A, Hirata T, Kaibara M, Isomoto S, Shimizu A, Centurión OA, Hayano M, Yano K: Effects of Aprindine on electrophysiological properties of the atrial muscle in man. Jpn Circ J 1995;59:337-346.
  27. Hashiba K, Centurión OA, Shimizu A: Electrophysiologic Properties of the human atrial muscle in paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. Am Heart J 1996;131:778-789.
  28. Centurión OA, Kaibara M, Konoe A, Isomoto S, Yano K: Unmasking of fast and slow AV nodal pathways by successful radiofrequency ablation of two accessory atrioventricular connections. Clinical Cardiology 1996;20:75-78.
  29. Centurión OA: Mapeo endocárdico por catéter de la aurícula derecha: Implicancias del registro de electrogramas auriculares anormalmente prolongados y fraccionados. Rev Argent Cardiol 1997;65(4):425-431.
  30. Centurión OA, Fukatani M, Konoe A, Tanigawa M, Shimizu A, Isomoto S, Kadena M, Hashiba K: Electrophysiologic endocardial mapping of the right atrium during sinus rhythm in patients with sick sinus syndrome. Jpn Circulation J 1991; 55:45.
  31. Isomoto S, Fukatani M, Konoe A, Tanigawa M, Kaibara M, Centurión OA, Yano K: Effects of verapamil on atrial vulnerability. Jpn J Electrocardiol 1991; 11:551.
  32. Centurión OA, Fukatani M, Shimizu A, Konoe A, Tanigawa M, Kaibara M, Isomoto S: Decremental conduction in left-sided accessory pathways. Jpn Circulation J 1992; 56:315.
  33. Konoe A, Fukatani M, Isomoto S, Centurión OA, Kaibara M, Shimizu A, Yano K, Hashiba K: Effects of E-4031, a class III antiarrhythmic agent, on certain parameters of atrial vulnerability: Comparison to disopyramide. Jpn Circulation J 1992; 56:79.
  34. Shimizu A, Fukatani M, Konoe A, Isomoto S, Sakamoto R, Centurión OA, Kaibara M, Tanigawa M, Yano K: Depressant effects on atrial vulnerability by isoproterenol: Comparison to Disopyramide. Jpn J Cardiac Pacing Electrophysiol 1992; 8 (2):238.
  35. Shimizu A, Fukatani M, Konoe A, Isomoto S, Kaibara M, Centurión OA, Tanigawa M, Hashiba K: Electrophysiological test in patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation: Underlying heart disease and atrial vulnerability. J Cardiology 1992; 22:162.
  36. Centurión OA, Shimizu A, Isomoto S, Konoe A, Kaibara M, Sakamoto R, Hirata T, Hano O, Liu Z, Hayano M, Yano K: Role of supernormal atrial conduction in the genesis of atrial fibrillation in patients with sick sinus syndrome. Jpn Circulation J 1993; 57:630.
  37. Hirata T, Shimizu A, Konoe A, Hano A, Kaibara M, Isomoto S, Sakamoto R, Centurión OA, Kapuku G, Liu Z, Hayano M, Yano K: The influence of Chemical denervation on atrial vulnerability in patients with sick sinus syndrome. Jpn Circulation J 1993; 57:631.
  38. Hano O, Shimizu A, Konoe A, Hirata T, Kaibara M, Isomoto S, Sakamoto R, Centurión OA, Hayano M, Yano K: The electrophysiological effects of aprindine on vulnerability of the Human atrial muscle. Jpn Circulation J 1993; 57:643.
  39. Shimizu A, Konoe A, Isomoto S, Centurión OA, Hano O, Kaibara M, Hirata T, Hayano M, Yano K: The influence of abrupt changes in atrial cycle length on the electrophysiological properties of human atrial muscle. Jpn Circulation J 1993; 57:629.
  40. Sakamoto R, Isomoto S, Centurión OA, Konoe A, Kaibara M, Hano O, Iwamoto K, Hirata T, Shimizu A, Hayano M, Yano K: A report of two patients with H-V Jump. Jpn J Electrocardiology 1993; 13:592.
  41. Shimizu A, Konoe A, Isomoto S, Centurión OA, Kaibara M, Sakamoto R, Hirata T, Liu Z, Hayano M, Yano K: The effects of disopyramide and E-4031 on the atrial refractoriness in diseased or normal human atrium. Jpn Circulation J 1993; 57:743.
  42. Liu Z, Hayano M, Ueyama C, Konoe A, Hirata T, Kaibara M, Hano O, Iwamoto K, Isomoto S, Centurión OA, Kapuku G, Sakamoto R, Tsukahara K, Yano K: Relationship of P wave morphology to electrophysiological properties of the atrial muscle in patients with sick sinus syndrome. Jpn Circulation J 1994; 58:112.
  43. Isomoto S, Konoe A, Centurión OA, Hirata T, Kaibara M, Hano O, Sakamoto R, Iwamoto K, Liu Z, Ueyama C, Hayano M, Yano K: Clinical electrophysiologic properties of MS-551. Jpn Circulation J 1994; 58:475.
  44. Isomoto S, Centurión OA, Konoe A, Hirata T, Sakamoto R, Liu Z, Kaibara M, Hano O, Hayano M, Yano K: Effects of the supernormal atrial conduction on atrial fibrillation. Jpn Circulation J 1994; 58:53.
  45. Hirata T, Hano O, kaibara M, Isomoto S, Sakamoto R, Centurión OA, Kapuku G, Liu Z, Konoe A, Hayano M, Yano K: 58th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society, Tokyo, Japan, March 1994. Jpn Circulation J 1994; 58:446.
  46. Konoe A, Isomoto S, Kaibara M, Centurión OA, Hano O, Hirata T, Sakamoto R, Iwamoto K, Liu Z, Ueyama C, Hayano M, Yano K: A novel class III antiarrhythmic drug, MS-551: Electrophysiologic properties on the human atrial muscle. Jpn Circulation J 1994; 58:475.
  47. Centurión OA. Sick sinus syndrome: Is the electrophysiologic alteration limited only to the sinus node. J Am Coll Cardiol 1998;31(5):15C.
  48. Centurión OA. The influence of advancing age on right atrial endocardial electrograms in patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. J Am Coll Cardiol 1998;31(5):15C.
  49. Shimizu A, Centurión OA. Electrophysiological properties of the human atrial fibrillation. Cardiovasc Res 2002;54:302-314.
  50. Centurión OA, Isomoto S, Shimizu A, et al. The effects of aging on atrial endocardial electrograms in patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. Clin Cardiol 2003;26:435-438.